New DVD release!



watch & learn old-time banjo tunes and songs


To Order:
$30 US funds for each DVD,
add $3 for postage, and $2 postage for each additional DVD,
to US & Canada addresses. 
All other foreign addresses, please email Diane with your mailing address and she will reply with the postage fee. 
PLEASE specify "30 of Diane's Favorites", as we have other offerings.

Please make
Check or Money Order Payable to:

Diane Jones
12544 Massey Rd.
Massey, Md.  21650
OR .... ... use PAYPAL to pay by credit card:

Click on the PayPal button below, 

and enter:

when asked for the seller's email address.
PayPal is easy and secure. Just register for an account, or login on your account, click on "Send Money", fill in the form (please specify which CDs you want and how many), add the postage (above), and submit. Your order will be shipped within 2 weeks!

             Email Diane

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© Reed Island Rounders, 2007